Hi I'm Karen K. Soon I Care. I make my website for educational purposes. It's the type of education that anyone and everyone could benefit to know. It's content that is mainly how to live better and better. I have built many websites in my life but i feel it's finally time to merge them all into one main site (this one that your on right now). So allow me to take my time to solid in my content. I want to help assist in changing the world. I won't stop living as my Karen K. Soon Form until everyone is rescued. Out of mind hell and into bringing heaven on Earth in realization yes. But i am gonna need my site to gain bigger in popularity. I know I'm not the only one who teaches these things. These lessons i teach = how to enjoy life to the fullest without needing to die first to get there. What kind of a sick sad life would it be for this life to be designed that its not meant to be easy ever? I disagree strongly to those who doubt that this life was ever intended to be a good life. Its cause i found it i found the answers to life's biggest riddles. It's love. Life is meant for us to enjoy. We have ambitious dreams of who we'd love to become for a higher self given reason...so reach for those highest thoughts that feel best. Is what many teach but i want greater numbers you see.....in teachers.... The higher self aligned kind.
If you don't know the higher selves. They are beings that never leave heaven. So they know greatly how to stay in peace. They watch over us all they know every thought before we think it and can prove that.... Also they are completely aware of how we live how we see how we feel and what do they want from us? To feel better...and.. better.. all the way up to Best even....and to enjoy our fucking lives. We were created for the sole reason......to enjoy life in best feeling highest ways.They also disregard our flaws they see us with perfect love. They forgive so easily you never should doubt that they in peace. its their first nature, They are very loving, comforting, holy, funny, positive, highest beings. I got to know them very well. Personally there's nothing wrong with them. If you sense them as anything less than greatest... your on the wrong station of your radio head or the wrong channel....as if your reality was a channel on the tv in metaphor you should seek out contacting and communicating with these beings every day. They can speak words to any who want to hear. Or they can speak through to you using feelings vibes are a language but You have to give them permission to come into your lives.
(And without using the emotional guidance system....that abraham-hicks teaches without using that int the way its intended.....you'd be lost without a map.....in metaphor... you cant reach higher states of well being more stable without knowing how to use feelings as indications its like feed back to how well that belief would work out for you.... When beliefs feel bad don't go that route....you can totally get the hang of this and when you do you will have a better life that is a main key ok....you cant skip it if you want to max your joy.....)
anyways the higher selves They are extremely into mastery of their minds. And there fore they are perfect as guides. aka They give greatest advice. They want us to have fun be very happy and very thankful...etc
The law of attraction is very deep. Its how the universe works. Its designed to have us create our own realities it has to do with our perspective and also our senses. How we define, react, feel.....think....its very powerful. As you become more lucid...or aware in this life of how dream like it can seem.... We want you all out of nightmares. I am higher self aligned most of the time and my balance streaks raise every day...I'm stable I'm very happy i get shy and nervous sometimes but that's when i think the wrong beliefs to have...which feel bad therefore they are bad...so let go of those..... beliefs please....
they hurt to indicate you need to reconnect to the god source inside you....its love, home, heart full (not broken), and its very heaven connected. It takes skill...awareness, positivity..faith..and not worrying it gets easier the more you practice it and experiences solid in our wisdom, which heart feel whats good for you to do......now and all the nows should be highest joy following highest excitement bliss following..... to the best that you can......fuel is when we get inspired.... it helps make clarity known to us our mission or purpose... more and more as if a fog thins ...the veil can thin in that way i don't know everything... but i know law of attraction like its the back of my hand if i drew my hand every day lol..... what i'm saying is esp 6th sense visions and 'hallucinations' prophet life.... all connect in the way that that's the veil thinning. (my advice is to not depend on using drugs or booze to do this)
But again in order to have a great life. Reignite your emotional guidance system as abraham hicks a teacher on the internet has taught through her law of attraction work. She gets info from being higher self aligned and receives vibes that turn into blocks of thought and in a way its as if higher consciousness speaks through her called channeling. its not demonic. There's different levels she says shes not possesed...that shes aware...there are other levels to it not saying conscious is better than being possesed it depends on the individual's preferences.
I explain or will explain all my steps to get heaven connected on earth in my nirvana =heaven on earth website section the site map menu or links to those chapters are on the top of every page in this website anyways good luck i hope your hooked... i mean to me i always thought if i was god how would i redesign life to be best for everyone? It is best already but the mind can blind us to all that is good...when your in negativity its like that's all you see available, but if you train your bad habits of thoughts to lessen to the point where you are better and better at self mastery....it relates to how we can fix us= lit eyes or positive guided higher self alignment = peace on earth for real already exists just the mind should get trained to not be a tool of utter destruction... not even just a little bit is necessary ever....unless you just HEART KID around lol in a good way (not evil)
:) i hope i help save everyone that's my mission but i'm careful with beliefs its best to believe in were all safe already (cause if lack of that is focused on too much it keeps it lack) i will get into science backing that up on the science page but yeah good luck all my intentions are good and I'm honestly stoked to share what i know cause i used to struggle really bad with wtf is why we are on earth...or alive.... doom from god? no! theres always a way out of hell realities believe in you found it receive it to be presented to you
and use faith in an expecting way believe then see.....in the way that faking it so real its beyond fake......don't keep beliefs that keep you disabled forever i don't mean medically i mean.....if you in hell doom gloom fearing god you got it all wrong. highest/higher self gods' = great, love, perfect and look.....don't live in hell.... on earth....heaven / nirvana/ enlightenment treasure hunt. fake being happy so real that its beyond fake....faith wise...like BAM IM OUT OF HELL AND I CAN STAY OUT AND I CAN REMEMBER HOW TO STAY OUT AND if you believe it strong enough it transforms your reality senses and perspective more and more like a pro sculptor is at work and you the clay........and the way you are the clay your outside world can change.... stay safe! law of attract...trust your reality to be safest is a way to stay safest if you think about being safe more than in danger then you dont law of attract danger....you can be creative with this but study the law of attraction please i beg you it helped me feel more stable in JOY and i thank you all for reading this if you did.....
im not lying when i say....i know the higher self beings that live in heaven so well they super sincere i feel that genuine cant be fake cause the love empathy is so huge i cry they pour love into me and I CRY IN A GREATEST WAY i mean when i feel exceedingly at bliss i cry cause its so intensely huge how much love i have and am and receive and its not fake its not from evil tricksters they gained my trust but feel stuff in your good heart what you want to do and if you can do that if it seems funnest and etc do that but make sure its a positive bliss following etc you get what im trying to say I BELIEVE EVERYONE SHOULD BE REAL AND LOVE EVERYONE WITH REAL LOVE IN HIGHEST WAYS Depending on best destiny and fate and bond types etc
i'm against rape....hate and racism etc i am not into hurting people back i'm into not hurting for others too now cause i know better that i can have best....as my reality i don't need things that i don't have in order to be happy....but i'm totally safe cause i am a pro at law of attraction things are moving along best ever i just want to share these strong messages with all in hopes they can get on my highest level with me and we adapt and get better at adapting ...we get better at so much affirmations are powerful.....etc so thanks for everything trust me you can get out of hell and have a blessed best life you do have to work on yourself and progress in raising mood...thoughts...etc to get to self mastery but yeah it gets easier every day....if you believe in that early on believe in being a genius and that we all are it boosts that genius effect etc study and have a nice life everyone! my mission is to stop wars. i know i cant control people but i will get more popular watch....my story progress.....as my site grows and this has to catch like wild fire in a dry area....then to get wet etc lol don't worry i soul connect ;) i want best for me and for all i have keys i have to save everyone i law of attract it to unfold fate in the best ways...and trust there's nothing to worry and feel i already succeeded and yeah i want all to feel this super blessed you don't have to have rich with money or drugs etc etc to be happy whats needed is love so much that unwanted circumstances wont bother you cause you balance in peace great thats a mastery we all should seek its meek etc thumbs up